Supporting Dr. Pinkie Feinstein

6 of 0 supporters (0%)
6 supporters donating ₪211 every month

Supporting Dr. Pinkie Feinstein

6 of 0
₪211 monthly
₪67,173 total raised
6 supporters donating ₪211 every month
Thank you for assisting my part in this long juorney!
Campaign supporting
פינקי פיינשטיין
  • {{feed.creation_date}}

Thank you for being here

At the age of 55 I believe I have reached my central duty in life.

As I assemble my professional skills and knowledge as a psychiatrist, coupled with decades of developing intuitive-creative-spiritual tools to assist people cope with their issues without medications I find myself fully "taken" by this mission that my heart demanded me to take:
Assisting people pass this global corona crisis as safely as possible, while they are struggling against governments who threaten to harm their civil rights, their freedom, their autonomy and their choice.

I believe that my part in this situation, focused on the emotional-creative-spiritual aspects of these global changes is crucial and represents the core struggle nowadays -- having the resilience to stand this storm and to form new kinds of like-minded communities to get support, new belongingness and a place to feel safe at. 

My activity includes:
Articles and videos aimed at helping people realize the deep mental "language" of the current process and at developing tools to find a safe path in the storm. 
Creating online courses (Currently in Hebrew and later in English) to provide people process of self-help focusing on the current challenges. 
Creating an Israeli and later global movement: "Our Home" that will focus on creating many local communities to assist people get together and help each other.
Promoting many other kinds of assemblies that will help people build their new, healthy and free society. 
Creating as much text as possible with all the specific knowledge I have acquired related to understanding this global "earthquake" and finding your place in it, both to help you survive it as well as grow through it. 

Thank you to our {{Donors.list.length}} supporters

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