Cat Village israel

71 of 1,000 supporters (7%)
71 supporters donating ₪2,330 every month

Cat Village israel

71 of 1,000
₪2,330 monthly
₪2,331 total raised
71 supporters donating ₪2,330 every month
Starting a "Cat Village" for blind and disabled cats.
Campaign supporting
קובי בן יעקב
  • {{feed.creation_date}}

Your help in creating a one-of-a-kind Cat Village to rescue street cats

Dear cats lovers :) 

My name is Kobi and I am writing to you to share a dream and to ask for your support in turning it into a reality.

Imagine a “cat’s village” where thousands of street cats and kittens are rescued from the dangerous and cruel conditions that they face on the streets.

The situation in Israel for cats is dangerous and tragic. There are 2 million street cats who live extremely difficult lives. They suffer from neglect and face too many risks. On average they live only up to 3 years, often hungry, wounded and sick.

There is very little to no assistance from the government and municipalities. Only 0.003% of Israel’s budget is allocated to animal welfare in general, and from this small sum, only a fraction at best, goes to helping street cats.

Municipalities lack funding and housing options, and as a result, euthanize cats within hours of taking them in – making the rate of euthanizing cats 90%! Animal welfare associations are limited in their help because they are overcrowded and cannot accommodate all the cases.

For the past four years, I have dedicated my life to saving street cats, handling thousands of cases of blind, disabled and starving cats and kittens across the country. 

Together with dedicated volunteers, we spend long nights and days trying to save as many street cats as possible, and face many heart-breaking cases. Much of our coordinated rescue work is done through Facebook groups. The high costs of treating sick and injured cats come out of our own pockets and private donations from caring people, making it a daily struggle to tend to all the cats in need.

The “cat village” that we wish to build is the first of its kind in Israel. It will be a special sanctuary to care for hundreds of blind, injured and disabled cats and kittens who cannot live safely on the harsh streets. 

Our first milestone is to reach donations of $40,000 so we need every help we can get!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me directly at:  and +972.50.455.5218

Thank you!




Thank you to our {{Donors.list.length}} supporters

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