AB MEDIA - Alternative news & media. Avi Barak.

13 of -1 (0%) supporters
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13 supporters

Journalism, media and connecting the dots on subjects that the mainstream media ignores.

YYY Campaign by Avi Barak
  • {{feed.creation_date}}

Hi. My name is Avi Barak. 

πŸ‘‰ First of all, please click the PLAY button and watch the clip. πŸ˜‰

πŸ‘‰ As I enter my third year of activist journalism, I am asking for your assistance in expanding what I feel is my life\\'s mission at this stage - to contribute to the awakening of humanity through content creation.

In these few years we realized how critical independent journalism is.

I feel that it is a mission of the highest importance.

The materials I produced and continue to produce are distributed worldwide and have reached millions of views, and that and the amazing feedback that came from you are the fuel that helps me to move forward and continue to produce even more.

So thank you!


πŸ‘‰ I am launching a new website where I gathered all the materials I created and will continue to update it on a regular basis.

My wish is to make it accessible to you, as well as to people who are still influenced by the mainstream narrative, and to reveal the well hidden information that the mainstream media is not publishing, as well as most social media platforms.

πŸ‘‰ As most of us already know, these past 3 years were just the beginning.

The acceleration of a process that started a while ago.

πŸ‘‰Today I continue to investigate, explore and report on these subjects like corruption in politics and corporate control over governments.

The cooperation between corrupt bodies like the WEF the WHO, the UN - governments and big tech,

exploring how all of them shape and influence our daily lives, through the use of fear, anxiety, gaslighting and destabilization of the economy and of our lives.

Exposing their goals like agenda 2030, the use of climate, international digital currency, AI, surveillance, loss of privacy and civil rights, censorship, And of course - making billions of dollars in the process. 


πŸ‘‰ This is where you come in and I will be very grateful for your support, through donations that will allow me to continue this ongoing work and to bring this important information to the public, whether it is producing informative videos about current events, and also as a videographer covering demonstrations and events. 

Your support will help me spend more time doing this kind of work, Unlike mainstream media that relies on public funds, as well as advertisers money, and has no freedom over contents, and therefore is not functioning as news or as a reliable source of information.

πŸ‘‰ I thank anyone that can afford to support me in this mission and by being a part of and partners in my work. I appreciate all contributions that will be made for the purpose of me continuing with my mission and I thank all contributors that are in fact my partners in this journey.

My website: HERE

My Telegram channel: HERE

My Rumble channel: HERE

My You-Tube channel: HERE

My Facebook: HERE

My Twitter: HERE

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