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Help the community of Kibbutz Nirim to rebuild their home!

Kibbutz Nirim for The IsraelGives Foundation
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Donation to Kibbutz Nirim (for tax-deductable bank transfers, read the 'Donation' paragraph)

On the morning of October 7, tranquility was shattered when Hamas terrorists brutally invaded Kibbutz Nirim. They set homes ablaze, and chaos ensued as they shot at civilians and hurled grenades, forcing families to seek refuge in their saferooms.

The Aftermath: In this horrific attack, Five people were brutally murdered, and another Five were kidnapped and taken to Gaza. 


3 of our  hostages were released.  Tragically, two hostages were declared as having been murdered by their captors.

The IDF retrieved their bodies to be interred in our cemetery on Kibbutz Nirim. 


3 IDF soldiers, who  arrived at the kibbutz in the early morning to defend our community, were killed in battle. Their bodies were kidnapped to Gaza as well. 

The destruction is staggering: 30 homes were reduced to ashes, community buildings and public spaces were severely damaged, many infrastructures were destroyed, and over 60% of our agricultural land was scorched.


Founded on the eve of Yom Kippur in 1946 and inspired by David Ben-Gurion’s vision, Kibbutz Nirim has flourished through a strong community spirit and a commitment to making the desert bloom.

Nirim's livelihood is based on its rich and varied field crops and plantations, dairy farms, and organic farms, which are one of the largest and most prosperous in Israel.

Our resilient community is now ready to rebuild, restore our homes, revive our fields, and continue our legacy of growth and prosperity.

How You Can Help: Your support can turn the tide. It will not only rebuild the homes and lives uprooted by this tragedy but also empower our community to thrive against adversity. Help us bring Kibbutz Nirim back to its feet – strong, united, and more vibrant than ever.

What we need:

Rebuilding Kibbutz Nirim: Key Development Projects

ü  Educational Facilities: Our goal is to revitalize our educational spaces, transforming them into hubs of creativity and joy.

ü  Health and Wellness: Establish support systems with therapeutic programs and a new sports center, providing physical and emotional rehabilitation for residents affected by trauma.

ü  Community Revitalization: We're dedicated to transforming our communal spaces into safe, vibrant centers for interaction and personal growth:

ü  Infrastructure Advancement: Critical infrastructure projects are essential for the economic and environmental sustainability of our kibbutz.

Join Us in This Vital Effort: Your contribution will not only help rebuild Kibbutz Nirim but also lay the foundation for a sustainable and prosperous future. Let’s rebuild together – stronger and better than before.



Credit cards -
Donations can be transferred with all credit cards (except American Express) by clicking on the 'Donate Now' button. A receipt will be sent to your email after completing that transaction. 
Please note, that you can choose the payment currency and the percentage of the tip for the website operation.


Tax deductable bank transfers -
For tax-deductable bank transfers, please press here.
When you donate, be sure to mark in the "notes" of the wire the Kibbutz name.
You can also email us at to let us know to which Kibbutz you'd like to allocate the donation.
For additional instructions, click here.


Direct bank transfers -
International bank transfers can be made directly to Kibbutz Nirim's bank account, however, a receipt will not be sent for tax-deductable purposes: 
Kibbutz Nirim
Bank Leumi LE-Israel B.M (10)
Branch 817 Hahashmonaim Business branch
Account 70900/67
IBAN IL12 0108 1700 0000 7090 067


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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors

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