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Help YOUR Boys while Israel is at War

Raised {{PageData.CurrentCurrencySignForCurrentPage}}{{PageData.TotalRaisedForCurrentPageToString}}
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Give your boys the emotional help they need to get through this tragic time.

Boys Town Jerusalem
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Israel is at war, and YOUR boys are suffering! As their fathers, brothers, and uncles fight for Israel’s safety, Boys Town Jerusalem is at our students’ side to help them confront anxiety and fear. At the same time, we are at the side of the families of our injured and fallen grads. YOUR support is crucial today to give YOUR boys essential psychological and emotional strength – and the tools they need to cope. Your support is a priceless gift of strength for YOUR boys today and in the future!

In carefully assessing YOUR Boys’ most critical needs, these take top priority:

LAPTOP COMPUTERS for students unable to take part in the Distance Learning being conducted as all school campuses are closed during the war. Either these boys do not own a computer or have no access to one at home being used by other siblings or parents. 

COST: $1,000 per computer

PSYCHOLOGICAL/EMOTIONAL HELP FOR EVERY BOY. The tragedies and tensions of the war situation have adversely affected every single boy to some degree. Every student is suffering emotional trauma, fear and uncertainty which must be faced and resolved as soon as possible. If left neglected, this lurking trauma can lead to permanent injury. 

To ascertain that every boy receives systematic, professional guidance, Boys Town Jerusalem aims to provide Personal Coaching Sessions by Trained Specialists for the entire student body. The eight-session program will be presented to each grade level (7-12).


WORKSHOPS TO AID TEACHERS IN PROVIDING EMOTIONAL SUPPORT TO STUDENTS Workshops and individual training by professional licensed therapists to provide teachers with insight and tools to guide students through the trauma. Course includes coaching in identifying student distress and providing beneficial psychological support.




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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors

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