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Emergency Gear for Shalmon Squad - Together We Will Succeed to Bring Back Our Hostages and Bring Back Our Security!

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Emergency Gear for Shalmon Squad

By Shalmon Squad
For The IsraelGives Foundation
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Dear family and friends,

First and foremost, we want to thank you for your support, emotional, spiritual, and financial during this unwanted, horrific war with Hamas. As members of the Shalmon Squad, a Special Forces Commando Reserves Unit in the 551 Division, we especially appreciate the support you have given our families, our unit, and Am Yisrael until now.

During our first deployment in Gaza we experienced tremendous victories and losses. We exposed and destroyed numerous terror tunnels and revealed many tons of weapons and caches of explosives. The battles to secure our borders and destroy the terrorist infrastructure were not without difficulties. We encountered terrorists up close and suffered many difficult losses, including those that left many physical and psychological scars.

The war is unfortunately far from over and the threats to Israel’s existence are only increasing. After Pesach we will be going back into reserve duty to continue the fight to save our hostages and return security to Israel, possibly in Gaza but more likely in the North.

From our experience in Gaza, we identified specialized equipment we deem essential for our unit of 18 soldiers, but that the army does not supply, including, tactical helmets, helmet covers, vests, tactical military packs, protective eyewear, water backpacks, tactical uniforms, tactical headlights, weapon lights, hiking/military boots, Leatherman multi-tools, weapon straps, warm clothing, high-quality padded socks, selective hearing protection, and compact binoculars.

With much gratitude and humility, we turn to you and again ask for your help. The cost of this equipment is approximately $1800/soldier and any donation is greatly appreciated. 

We look forward to a future of peace, of unity for Am Yisrael, and of the healthy return of our displaced citizens, soldiers, and hostages. 

Wishing you a happy and peaceful Pesach.

Oz Shalmon and Shlomo Hammer

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