Become A Partner In the New Sefer Torah for Yiboneh Jerusalem

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Be among the Supporters of Torah as Her ways are Ways of Pleasantness and All her Paths are Peace

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Campaign by: Yiboneh Jerusalem (580627040)
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A Tree of Life To Those Who Hold Fast To It. On Tu B'Shevat, the New Years for the Tree's -  Rabbi Poston announced at the Yiboneh Tu B'Shvat Seder our intention to Purchase a Sefer Torah and to start a beginners Minyan. The Torah is OUR TREE OF LIFE. On Tu'BShvat we planted the seeds. Now the seed has begun to germinate.


Help us FINISH THE PROCESS in the Acquisition of this Torah Scroll!


We have placed a sizable down payment in order to secure this Torah. Our first step is to purchase this Torah Scroll and then find a fitting place to hold this most important type of Yiboneh Minyan. A Minyan not just for beginners, but for anyone seeking more Kavanah while praying. We will provide additional instruction and study before and after prayers.


The Total Cost is $35,000. This price includes the re-furbished Torah Scroll, computer check and tikunim, wooden poles (Eitz Haim), Breast Plate, Crowns, Mantle, gartle and Yad.


If you would like to make a special dedication in memory of a loved one or to celebrate a momentous occasion, please contact Rabbi Poston directly on WhatsApp +972526165613 or email to


We only have the next few weeks to finalize this most important acquisition. Especially at this time of WAR, we need to increase the Torah and Glorify it. Please share this campaign with your family and friends.


All Her ways are Ways of Pleasantness and All her Paths are Peace


Thank you so much for your participation. All who participate will be blessed and find PEACE.

G-d Bless and Tizkeh L'Mitzvot, Rabbi Aaron Dovid and Bina Poston


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