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Give Cancer a "Time-Out" - Run for Refanah Healing Holidays



Give Cancer a "Time-Out" - Run for Refanah Healing Holidays

I have run in the Jerusalem Marathon every year since it began. But, never for a cause. This year, I am running to raise money to support cancer patients in Israel and help them to go on a short holiday with their family through Refanah Healing Holidays, a wonderful non-profit organization based in Jerusalem. Please consider making a donation to this worthy cause. Go Team Refanah!
Campaign complete AAA
By Aliza Haas
For Refanah Healing Holidays Ltd. (CC)
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Run as part of the Refanah Healing Holidays Team in The Jerusalem Marathon or please support one of the team members and help provide a much need break for a cancer patient in Israel.
Raise 2000 NIS and become a team member (Students - 500 NIS)

Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors
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Support the campaign Fundraisers

Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors
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