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ALYN Wheels of Love – I Love ALYN



ALYN Wheels of Love – I Love ALYN


Dear friends and family.

After many years of engaging in competitive sports, which ended in the peak event of the "Iron Man" competition to celebrate  my retirement, I decided to stop competing in sports. 
 Instead of an "Iron Man" be a "Tender Man".
And hence the search for how to combine my love and pursuit of sports with doing something that contributes to the environment.
I am very excited to tell you that in October (less than a month from now),  I will participate for the first time in the Wheels of Love bike ride, for the children of ALYN Hospital.


 ALYN Hospital in Jerusalem is the only child and youth rehabilitation center in Israel and one of the leading in the world.

ALYN specializes in the diagnosis and rehabilitation of children suffering from a wide variety of congenital and acquired physical disabilities. Using state-of-the-art technology, vast medical experience and an unlimited amount of love, ALYN embraces these children and provides them with the best care.

 More about Alyn Hospital on the website

 I am about to ride for six to eight hours for four days together with about 400 riders from 15 countries. We will ride for three days in the south of the country and on the last day in the mountains of Jerusalem into the hospital, where we will celebrate with the children of ALYN and the team. This year, the fundraising goal of the Wheels of Love campaign is $3 million, to bridge the gap between reimbursements and the actual costs of the best treatments required for children.

I pay NIS 4,000 for the participation and any money raised here is intended for the hospital and not for me of course.
Thank you in advance for your willingness to volunteer for the children of ALYN Hospital.


You can donate in two simple ways:
1. Donate online using a credit card on my fundraising page - (
2. Send a check to the hospital: ALYN Hospital, Shmariahu Levin 84, P.O. 9117, Jerusalem 91090.
If you would like an American or Canadian tax receipt, you can send a check to: American/Canadian Friends of ALYN Hospital 122 E. 42nd Street, Suite 1519, New York, NY 10168.
If you live anywhere else, please email us about additional donation options. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the help for the children of ALYN!

Udi Har Shemesh
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For ALYN Hospital: Pediatric & Adolescent Rehabilitation Center
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Until recently, Israel's ALYN Hospital has been planning to host our 23rd annual international fundraising charity bike ride.

But now that has changed. It is very clear that the 2023 Wheels of Love ride cannot and should not be held as planned. 

Israel’s injured children are relying on ALYN Hospital to help restore their hope and rebuild their lives. ALYN Hospital is relying on YOU to help make that a reality.
We are working closely with the Home front Command and Ministry of Health to be prepared to admit patients from other hospitals,  including those injured in this war. Despite a reduced staff, the Hospital remains dedicated to caring for our critical patients.  
We hope for a swift end to the fighting, and extend our condolences to the victims' families. Our thoughts are with our staff and their loved ones involved in defense efforts.
We recognize that we will be taking care of complex injuries  of children and adolescents including children who are injured in this war. We anticipate a challenging and lengthy journey towards recovery for both the children and their families. With the support of our friends in Israel and around the world, ALYN Hospital pledges to continue fulfilling its mission of providing the best pediatric rehabilitation possible. Together, we will be able to help these young survivors regain their strength, independence, and hope for a better future.
We need you now! Stand with Alyn!
Stand with Israel!
Help us be there for the children who need us!

Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors
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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors
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